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Orthotics are specialized insoles or inserts that are designed to support and align the feet and lower body. They are often prescribed by podiatrists or other healthcare providers to treat a variety of foot and lower body conditions, such as foot pain, heel pain, arch pain, flat feet, overpronation, and plantar fasciitis. Orthotics can also be used to prevent injuries and improve performance in sports and other physical activities.
One of the main reasons why people may need orthotics is to correct imbalances or misalignments in the feet and lower body. Our feet are complex structures that consist of 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These structures work together to provide support, balance, and mobility when we walk, run, and engage in other activities. However, due to factors such as genetics, posture, lifestyle, and injury, the feet and lower body may become misaligned, resulting in pain, discomfort, and other problems.
Orthotics can help to correct these misalignments by providing support and alignment to the feet and lower body. They work by redistributing weight and pressure across the feet, reducing strain and stress on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This can help to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and prevent further damage to the feet and lower body. Orthotics can also improve the overall function and efficiency of the feet and lower body, allowing for a more natural and comfortable gait.
While there are many different types of orthotics available, custom-made orthotics are often considered the most effective. This is because custom-made orthotics are designed specifically for the individual's feet, based on a detailed evaluation of their foot and lower body structure, alignment, and function. By providing a precise and personalised fit, custom-made orthotics can provide better support and alignment than off-the-shelf orthotics, which are designed to fit a range of different foot shapes and sizes.
In addition to their improved fit and function, custom-made orthotics also offer several other benefits. For example, they can be made to accommodate any foot deformities or irregularities, such as bunions, hammertoes, and foot injuries. They can also be made in different shapes and sizes to fit into different types of shoes, including narrow or wide shoes and sports shoes. And because they are made from high-quality materials, custom-made orthotics are generally more durable and long-lasting than off-the-shelf orthotics.
Overall, orthotics can be an effective treatment option for a wide range of foot and lower body conditions. And while off-the-shelf orthotics may be suitable for some people (including kids whose feet tend to grow!), custom-made orthotics are often the best choice for those who need a precise and personalised fit to support and align their feet and lower body. By providing better support, alignment, and overall function, custom-made orthotics can help to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and prevent further damage to the feet and lower body.

At The Foot and Spine Co, we provide personalised treatment plans to address your foot and lower body issues. Our process begins with an initial assessment to understand your unique needs and determine the best course of action. We may use myofascial therapy and low-level laser therapy to improve the health and function of your intrinsic foot muscles. We also evaluate your extrinsic muscle range of motion, footwear, exercise habits, and overall health.
If orthotics are deemed appropriate, we may use diagnostic strapping to test how your body responds to the support. If the strapping is successful, we will discuss the different options for orthotic therapy, including off-the-shelf and custom-made devices. We will also ensure that the orthotics fit properly in your shoes and provide guidance on how to adjust to them.
Finally, we will schedule a review appointment after three weeks to assess the effectiveness of the orthotic therapy and make any necessary adjustments. Our goal is to provide the support and relief you need to improve your foot and lower body health.

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